The idea Author of A.Yu. Sotnikov


The idea Author of A.Yu. Sotnikov
Expert on corruption
Co-author D.N. Roshchin Attorney
Editor L. Nerovny Psychologist-researcher




Second edition

Moscow ~ 2022

УДК 342:351/354
ББК 67.400+67.7
        С 6 7

Sotnikov A.Yu.


THE LAW Concept on Criminal Responsibility for Legislative Activity and Other Normative 2022. — 68 p.

ISBN 978-5-600-02652-0

The second edition adds a foreword for the Union
BLABLABLA citizens, and makes the whole work a full
translation. A. Yu. Sotnikov writes the preface for the
BLABLABLA citizens. My colleagues are not involved in
this opinion. The warning is written for professional ethics
reasons. Because many may not like this opinion. However,
for the truth love I have to ignore possible emotional reaction
among profanities and ideological opponents.

ISBN 978-5-600-02652-0

УДК 342:351/354

ББК 67.400+67.7

© A.Yu. Sotnikov, 2022

16. No king is saved by the multitude of an army;
       A mighty man is not delivered by great strength.
17. A horse is a vain hope for safety; Neither shall it
      deliver any by its great strength.
18. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who
      fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy,
19. To deliver their soul from death, And to keep
      them alive in famine.

(Psalm 33:16-19)

Andrey Yurievich Sotnikov

Chief Editor (the project author) of the human rights portal Federal Book of Complaints (http://www.knigajalob. com/contact/shef-redaktor/).

Adviser to the IV convocation State Duma deputy Ovsyannikov Vladimir Anatolyevich (Defence committee) on the executive branch legal blackmail in the small and medium-sized businesses field.

Candidate for deputies in the 15th single ‒ mandate constituency in the elections to Moscow City Duma in 2005.

Member of the Expert Council of the Commission on the Russian Federation Federal Assembly State Duma (fifth Convocation) Anti-Corruption Legislative Support

Assistant to the State Duma Deputy (fifth convocation) The Russian Federation Federal Assembly 2008‒2011 Vladimir Pavlovich Taskaev.

Assistant to the Russian Federation Federal Assembly State Duma (sixth convocation) Deputy 2012‒2016 Vitaly Sergeyevich Zolochevsky.
Books author

  1. Stolen power. Legal blackmail as a method of forming a bribe market. 2008.
  2. There will be no more direct investments in Russia. Noginsky syndrome! 2010.
  3. Funny Duma (technical illegitimacy of the State Duma) 2012.

Articles author:

  1. Legal nihilism 28.02.2011 (http://www.kniga-jalob. com/articles/sotnikov/pravovoy-nigilizm/).
  2. 2011. Russia is a new evolutionary embodiment of the slave–owning system. The final stage of modernization of the slave system is over. Corruption as a state policy. 26.03.2011 (http://www.kniga-jalob. com/articles/sotnikov/2011-god-rossiya-novoe-evolyutsionnoe voploshchenie-rabovladelcheskogostroya-zavershayushchiy-etap-/).
  3. CHUROVSTVO 2011 29.03.2012 (


Foreword for citizens Blah Blah Blah Union

(EuropeanUnion).......................................................................... 7

1. Foreword by expert on corruption Sotnikov......................29

2. Foreword by Advocate Roshchin.........................................32

3. The proposed law conceptual principles...........................38

3.1. Religious and philosophical principles............................38

3.2. Constitutional principles................................................ ..40

3.3. Management and legal principles of liability for

legislative activities and other

regulatory activities. RFAOC.....................................................41

4. The legislator crimes examples against the

power bearer (citizen)................................................................44

4.1. Property tax..........................................................................44

Corporate property tax...............................................................44

Individual property tax................................................................44

4.2. Land tax..................................................................................51

Land tax for legal entities...........................................................51

Land tax for legal entities...........................................................51

4.3. Urban Planning Code ofMoscow..................................... 52

4.4. The Russian Federation Government Resolution

legalizing physiological torture of citizens

(charging and payment policyfor housing and

communal services— violent methodsthat prevent

the natural physiological needs dispatch)..............................53

4.5. Renovation — a law abolishing the rights
to citizens property as individuals, and
regulations issued in connection with this
law adoption................................................................................54
5. Thus, legislative rule making may be a crime.
How to punish?...........................................................................58

Foreword for citizens Blah Blah Blah Union

(European Union)

(Foreword written in March 2022)

16. The nations have sunk down in the pit which they
      made; In the net which they hid, their own foot is
17. The LORD is known by the judgment He executes;
     The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
18. The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the
      nations that forget God.

(Psalm 9:16-18)

  Don’t be offended by Europeans, as the Swedish girl Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg (born 3 January 2003, Stockholm, Sweden) called EU politicians, and you Europeans choose these politicians.
  “The truth speaks the babes and suckling’s mouths out”!

   Moreover, as an expert on corruption and fraud, I wish to admire the Greta Thunberg divine insight. I’ll explain, I see Blah Blah Blah as a well-organized fraudulent manipulation technology. Below, in general terms, I will try to reveal how Blah Blah Blah technology works.

   What is this job for?
   I want to share my discovery and invention with all honest people who want to actually build a developed, moral democratic society, not mimic the supposed democracy, but actually build the slave system a new evolutionary digital version. The goal is simple, to improve the democracy mechanisms as an institution, nationality regardless.
  I will write as frankly as possible, so I warn you, I will upset many. But please finish, it is important that Europeans know the Russian expert view point about the so-called European democracy, about how fool gullible European’s politicians whom you allegedly choose.
  At once, I want to calm all, I am in categorical opposition to the power acting in Russia. So this is not propaganda, this is a real expert view point. I’m only interested in the truth, I don’t share anyone’s political positions, I just can’t afford it.
  What is this work about?
  This work is about the democracy the weakest place as an institution, as a process that is trusted by the entire supposedly civilized world. This is the democracy weak point the “mole hole”, which is hidden from the voters majority eyes and understanding, and even lawyers, and maybe especially lawyers. In order to see this “mole hole” you need to have special knowledge, so that the average voter will never be able to realize this problem on his own, and false and deceitful European politicians either do not understand it or hide it. More specifically, there are two categories among European politicians, the “proxies” who know the truth about the policy decisions true aims and govern policy directions and consequences, and everyone else, the “political profane” who act as extras, they govern the gullible voters brains with their bound- less Blah Blah Blacating. By doing so, the voter is physically removed from the political process.
  So, if we summarize the problem, we will study:
  “Legal vacuum” in the legislator legal liability terms to the voter for the results, and most importantly, for the legislator’s activities delayed consequences.
  This is a universal legal problem, the democracy national specifics regardless and a particular democratic system instantaneous development degree, it is simply an important technical detail in the mechanism, in the procedure for the democracy development.
  Sounds clever and incomprehensible to readers a wide audience. I’ll translate it into a popular science language.
  In the present, functioning democracy, the voter naively assumes that he will elect a legislator, and this legislator will create laws in the voter interests.
  I ask the European voter: “And if the legislator chosen by you didn’t satisfy your trust, do the opposite, then promise, or at all was in collusion with the third parties, it appeared simply incompetent, lied to you simply to receive a high salary, from personal ambitions, well or in general it appeared the schizophrenic?”
   And then a European, satisfied with his democratic ad- vantages over me Russian, says that we will choose another legislator, and this is our European advantage over you Russians. And after this the European native answer, it is already possible to demonstrate this very “legal vacuum” emergence in the legislator responsibility terms to the voter for the results, and, most important, his (the legislator’s) activities consequences.
  1. You will not re-elect the legislator immediately, but after quite a long electoral cycle.
  2. Is there the damage an assessment caused to the state citizen and the legislation constitutional rights from the legislator professional activities in European law? Probably doesn’t exist. I’m just sure it doesn’t exist.
  3. In endless lies’ today’s information world, why do you, the voter, assume that this new legislator will be better to you than the previous one? Do you have any confidence in this
  4. Why do you, the voter, think that those you choose are not controlled from one place by un- known persons? Think about who you choose. Those who are better advertised by the media, that is, they are chosen by money, these are the politicians you choose. Or maybe the legislator you need simply does not have the money to compete in the media with those who will lie to you, cheat?
  5. And finally, the most obvious, it will even be avail- able to a European mind with brain swam by fat.
   Imagine a person who hits another person in a car, the car gets out, approaches the victim, apologizes nicely, gets in the car and drives away! Hard to imagine?
   And POWER is a much more dangerous object, than the car, and consequences’ illegal, incompetent, dishonest, POWER unconstitutional use are much more dangerous mass character. But you are a voter who suffered from the legislator, you find yourself in a man role hit by a car, you look at this dude who says a nice goodbye to you, and doesn’t even apologize.
   That’s it! That’s it! And no explanation, no apology, no responsibility for the suffering and damage caused to citizens millions. As far as I can judge Europeans, it is customary for you to do something for politicians and not to be responsible for your activities.
   I hope the majority now understand what is “Legal vacuumin the legislator legal responsibility terms to the voter for the results, and most importantly, for the legislator’s activities consequences.
   You don’t get it, do you? Let’s analyse the citizen’s fundamental rights violation, most obvious and simple example: Coronavirus pandemic.
  I will set out my vision for the pandemic entire history to the present. Since now, the military conflict in Ukraine has completely stopped the coronavirus pandemic magically. So, until the next rehearsal for the global fascist regime establishment, we will conditionally consider the pandemic over!
  I do not watch Russian news television, it causes me this squeamishness acute feeling, I watch Euro news.
  At first, I saw on TV a black man with glasses, WHO Director-General Ghebreyesus, he seemed to me very suspicious and strange.
  Ghebreyesus began to intimidate the world, all countries, from the infection’ some kind alleged consequences. At first, he seemed to me to be a swindler’ some kind, or even an evil clown. But he managed to intimidate the state around the world heads and force them to abolish all civil rights where they existed in law. Apparently he’s an important dude. It seemed strange to me from a legal view point why the whole world state heads listen to this tanned guy, it is not possible from a legal view point! Well, apparently in the so-called democracy countries it happens.
  Suddenly, lo and behold, all the world states first persons began to listen to him. It actually seems very suspicious. Am I the only one who thinks this is suspicious!
  The only one who has adequately responded to this nonsense is Donald Trump. Donald Trump stopped paying whop money, and justifiably resented the incompetence of the WHO and this Ghebreyesus. And after that, he promised to bill China for the damage caused to both the US economy and US citizens. A very sensible, a responsible politician rational approach, his country a real president. Donald Trump ignored the false etiquette imposed on the world by Blah Blah Blah Union, and bluntly demanded exhaustive explanations from the tanned guy from the WHO. And as it turned out in the whole world Donald Trump is the only one who then did not participate in this tacit conspiracy, the whole world state heads only one.
  And after that, Donald Trump, using Russian fraud technology in the elections, was quickly replaced by another US president. Personally, I do not understand the US presidential election technology, and clearly bears the scam some kind signs. As an expert on the authorities machinations, it is obvious to me that the American election system is designed intentionally for free interference in the election process by third parties. I wonder if Americans are happy with their democratic choices now. This paragraph was not superfluous, it follows from this paragraph that Donald Trump was the only obstacle, a significant obstacle, to the rehearsal for the Global Pandemic Fascism establishment.

Global pandemic fascism

  When I write global, I exclude the United States. It is necessary to pay tribute to the American citizens and the American political system, this time, temporarily managed to protect the American citizen constitutional rights. But I only refer to the fact that for an American, the word FREEDOM is not a hollow sound. The Blah Blah Blah Union citizens do not seem to understand the philosophical and this word existential meaning very well, I think that for them satiety is at the values’ hierarchy forefront!
  Global pandemic fascism? Yes, yes, it’s fascism!
  Global. The process that launched the tanned dude in glasses and a jacket and in the television (Ghebreyesus) can only be called global. I think that this statement will not raise any objections.
  Pandemic. In this particular case, the pandemic was chosen as an indisputable tool that will convince an uneducated gullible society to believe and renounce their civil rights, to agree to their country law’s abolition because a dude with a homosexual badge on TV (Ghebreyesus) expressed concern. This is society itself and the politicians unimaginable stupidity and irresponsibility both who currently rule the state. Never choose such in the power, such irresponsible, cowardly for it- self, incompetent politicians. Fear is another tool for the civil rights destruction, the incompetent, uneducated, cowardly fear always leads to the fact that people who until recently felt smart and self-sufficient suddenly turn into a herd, who need a goat (leader) to lead them to a bright future and save them from terrible problems. And it already exists, it is the little dyed blonde on crooked short legs, I won’t spread about other this politician a figure “advantage”.


  It was fascism that brought the tanned dude on the TV with the rainbow gay badge (Ghebreyesus) into the world. Glory to Essen (GOD name) that in the USA this sabotage didn’t work for 100%, Americans defended the civil rights.
  But in Blah Blah Blah Union, it became instantly clear that statements about the law rule are lies, a myth for the Blah Blah Blah Union member states citizens, and for the whole world. The Blah Blah Blah Union’s law supremacy has over- night proved to be a bluff for citizens and at the same time con artists and politicians, an instrument to strip the state sovereignty Blah Blah Blah Union participants. For example, to force Hungary, Poland and small Baltic States to admit mi- grants to the country in order to destroy small nations by bio- logical and mental mixing and erosion with socially underdeveloped social communities, alien genes, completely different civilizational value hierarchies, to force imposing homos homosexuality and other indecency on nations, citizens, in Lithuania altogether changed the alphabet, it is generally unimaginable sabotage, depriving self-identity future generations, and many, many other cunningly saved shi....

  In general, this may not be the case, but I want to inform the Blah Blah Blah Union small national states that their national identity is destroyed by the nation’s gene pool erosion by migrants. In the Bible, such people (migrants) were called migrants, and you are imposed biological mixing with migrants, including the voting rights giving to migrants. Aliens are an easily managed biological mass with the Blah Blah Blah help, since this biological mass does not have a national identity, national pride, traditions that they escaped from their homeland, they want to eat sweetly, reproduce like cockroaches, they want housing that the national taxpayer will pay for them. You will support the aliens, and they will vote as the Blah Blah Blah Union commands a fascist government. For the Blah Blah Blah Union small, subordinate and dependent states, I would like to inform you that they need to take very responsibly the word ALIEN (immigrant, migrant), behind this word is the nation biological destruction process, the nation self-identification destruction process. The alien came to consume the national heroes several generations achievements who worked for future descendants, and they want to steal it from you with the Blah Blah Blah help.
  Now about the Blah Blah Blah Union bluff on the law


  Let me start with the simplest examples.

Public offer

  I am sure that the Blah Blah Blah Union citizen’s overwhelming number do not understand what this thing is. It is not clear, not because they are uneducated, but because it was unnecessary to know. No offense was meant. But now is the time to think of the Public Offer as a legal mechanism.
  The public offer point is that when you, your country a citizen, come into the store, this trading enterprise existence legal form regardless, your racial affiliation, even if you are a homosexual, you do not have the right to refuse service, you should be served without any conditions on the store part, also applies to restaurants, and public visit all other places. Visit these public places each operates within the industry law frame- work, which prescribes, among other things, a public offer.
  What are they really doing in the whole Blah Blah Blah Union? By the unknown dudes (officials) decision denounce (cut out) from the citizen’s right legislation and introduce any rules, unclear by whom invented, not confirmed by the law. Citizens of Blah Blah Blah Union are forced to wear muzzles, began to stick some sticks in the citizen’s nose to collect in the citizen rights violation his genetic material, began not to allow without muzzles everywhere, to rob those who do not want to wear muzzles, namely to fine, and much more lawlessness and arbitrariness over the citizen.
  An Afro-African Ethiopian with glasses on TV told the Blah Blah Blah Union all states heads to denounce all civil rights from their legislation, and the state heads elected by citizens abolished the citizens rights from legislation and introduced their own RULES!
  The Blah Blah Blah Union citizens! Realise it! Over- night, some people revoked your constitutional civil rights and subordinated you to someone else’s RULES. In return, you were told that we must be vigilant.
  “We must be vigilantis a euphemism. For you, dear Europeans, I will translate into Russian this euphemism hid- den meaning. Sit down, it will be difficult for you to emotion- ally tolerate this euphemism manipulative meaning. First, you need to know that this manipulation applies to children who are gullible, yet uneducated, who do not suspect that this is a lie, children are forced to trust adults and therefore obey. Actually, these children, only a few will ever know what manipulation is. Personally, I find this manipulation sneaky and treacherous. In order to deceive people, their attention is emotionally fixed on a false object and target using their stress state. And if it is very rude, the semantic message to citizens sounds something like this:
  “So, the sheep, gathered, concentrated, and listen to us, we’ll tell you what you have to do! Are you against pro- tecting the citizens health?!”
  That is this euphemism hidden meaning. It is obvious that in this manipulation, the harm of the citizen at the genetic level was used, created by erroneous postulates about Christian values, which the child is driven into the head with a sledgehammer from a young age.
  Let me give you a euphemism another example that any- one can understand, and is known to any developed person, and I think even complete morons can understand that. Hitler invented such a sweet, neutral euphemism and called it “The solution to the Jewish question”.
  But Jews called it the “HOLOCAUST”, murdered mil- lions, tortured Jews, catching war criminals’ decades all over the world. And all this was in the innocent, almost philosophical phrase “The Jewish question solution”.
  So, honorable Europeans, your politicians are “bullshit- ting” you, cynically lying to control you as a stupid biomass, the ability deprived to understand who and why forces you to do what you do not want to do. And your politicians lied to you to hide their mistakes and not be responsible for them.
  Now let’s look at what the Blah Blah Blah Union politicians hid behind the euphemism “We must be vigilant”. I will write as much as possible avoiding unnecessary legal details.
  So, the state has a body that exercises the highest author- ity, it has received this authority within the current legislation framework, and the same legislation protects your civil rights, this legislation creates a strict framework and responsibilities for people with power (for law enforcement). That is clear, I should think.
  So this body which has the highest authority, illegally delegates the power over the citizen to the subordinates, large administrative entities, those in turn to cities, municipalities mayors. These same small administrative entities have no authority over the citizen, but they prohibit shops, restaurants, and other public places from complying with the sectoral federal law. Think the city mayor forces the shop owner to violate the sectoral federal law in relation to the citizen, or he (the mayor) will close shop. This crime is called arbitrariness with the legal blackmail use, in Russia for this crime there is also criminal liability, and in Europe it is customary to violate the law with impunity?
  Certainly, the shop owner (or other public institution) is compelled to violate the citizens rights that his business didn’t destroy, destroyed the mayor, and doesn’t allow shopping without citizens muzzles. I am not inclined in such a situation to blame the store owner, he certainly will not cope with the capitulation at the state level. More precisely, the store owner commands his employees not to serve the citizen! In this case, the store owner is also the injured party.
  And as the officials’ all the machinations a result, the society lowest (marginal) segments receive power over the citizen: cleaners, guards, saleswomen, cashiers, tram drivers, dishwashers, sewers, etc. , that is, the population’ the lowest segments without education, devoid of legal consciousness, moral and ethical guidelines most likely devoid. Can you imagine the gap for plebs inferiority complexes, hyper compensation. I am sure that many citizens felt with how much pleasure these the population declassified segments forced them to wear muzzles, show QR codes, and so on. Officials withdrew, and gave the power over the citizen to people who have no right under the law to force the citizen to any actions.
  I also want to draw the Blah Blah Blah Union citizens’ attention to digitalization, with your phones and applications all sorts help, you can be controlled by only one maniac. You’re not going to sue your phone if you don’t like what it’s forcing you to do. Any applications that force a citizen to take legally significant actions that may have consequences for the citizen health and his legal and property status must be subject to a legal examination by the legislator, and citizens’ rights mass violations those guilty must be imprisoned for a long time, at least for 30 years.
  Blah Blah Blah Union citizens need to understand that officials perceive citizens as pigs in a herd which they (officials) can drive where they want, will want to pasture, and will want to slaughter. You (citizens) trust your authority on the basis that you assume compliance with the laws by officials, and officials have decided that your trust in officials is your responsibility.
  Besides the fact that you are being deceived, the Blah Blah Blah Union authorities decided to manipulate your integrity, began mass propaganda that whoever does not want to be vaccinated is those deaths guilty who died from the coronavirus. We also have a dumb-ass yard singer in Russia who tried to make a massive motto: “How many must die of the coronavirus for you to be vaccinated?”
  In Russia, this jerk was ignored by the population, and the population part was outraged by this jerk behavior. The same dirty trick against citizens was used in Blah Blah Blah Union. Especially in France, the teenager Emanuel Mignon went far, but he went further, he also threatened the French with the power use against them!


  Don’t choose teenage gerontophiles for president!

  It discredits your nation!

  In general, adolescents in power in Western democracy strongly discredit the democracy very institution.

 Teenager Justin Trudeau generally called hard-work- ing Canadian truckers marginal, although it is obvious that this profession implies high technical qualifications, called kind, hard-working people and escaped from his residence as a coward. And after the teenager Justin Trudeau cowardly escaped from his residence, he used the same police methods against the demonstrators as in Russia uses power against the opposition. Behind the police backs, the teenager Justin Trudeau felt like a brave guy! Police violence and arbitrariness, fines, that’s the lying Western democracy. I wonder if the police know they’re violating citizens’ democratic rights.
  No longer a teenager, but still immature in mind, but al- ready the Interior Minister, and then Chancellor Nehamer, Karl, in general, forced all Austrians to compulsory vaccination, he is just used to commanding. Austria, a German-speaking country, with a Prime Minister fascist, very symbolically, Nehamer denounced basic civil rights. Once again, the German-speaking population accepted fascism as a normal phenomenon. Apparently, the Germans have fascism in their genes.


  Are you even sure you live in a democracy?
  Dear Europeans, I want to help you all without exception to understand vaccination from view’ a legal point.
  In a civilized democracy that positions the law rule as the power basic principle, a citizen cannot and should not be held responsible for any third-party disease health or death. In a State governed by the law rule, a citizen health is the citizen responsibility when he or she chooses to have bad habits or to lead a healthy life, and how to take his or her health care, and the State is responsible for the citizen health, the State has collected taxes from citizens in order to organize protecting the citizens collective health a health system capable. That’s it! It’s that simple.

  Coercion to vaccinate means that the State violates the law, the individual freedom, and the citizen’s basic constitutional rights. And officials try to hide the national health care organization failure, hiding making illegal requirements to the citizen. In other words, officials deliberately lie to citizens so as not to investigate why the national health care system collapsed overnight, who is to blame, where the taxpayer’s money was spent, whether the taxpayer’s money was spent correctly?
  Officials’ crimes investigation it is hard work demanding principled ness, competence, simply civil responsibility, determination, after all it is necessary to bring “to clean water” the previous officials, and maybe it, and they are guilty if long as Merkel, work in the power, then it is necessary to recognize the mistakes or deliberate actions in the third parties’ interests. Like Merkel. Suddenly, the investigation results will lead to some completely global scandalous conclusions. So, lying to citizens is easier than lying, controlled media will help, like Euro news.
  Why do the Blah Blah Blah Union authorities violate the European citizens rights?!
  What the Blah Blah Blah Union authorities are hiding!
  And here begins the most terrible thing that Europeans need to know about!
  1. The entire Western health system fiasco.
  On Euro news, watched an interview with some big pharmaceutical holding company head that produces vaccines. This guy said that we (the world’s population) don’t have other therapeutic tools to fight the coronavirus. He lied. Why he lied will be clear later.
  In fact, there are therapeutics against the coronavirus. The deaths most from the coronavirus fall on lung complications, this is not a secret. To prepare the body for infection with the coronavirus, first, you need to cleanse the large intestine, and keep it in a high tone. This is easy, there are many almost free ways to stagnant faucal masses get rid, such as a Yoga Asana with salt water a drink, many other simple ways. Consult your doctor before use.
  Why the colon? Anyone, even an entry-level acupuncturist, knows that the colon and lungs make up a yin-yang pair according to Wu Xing’s theory. What does this mean in the applied sense? The colon with stagnant faeces is in a sluggish relaxed state, the peristalsis is weak, respectively, the lungs as a pair are in a hypertonic state, the lungs are compressed, the working volume is reduced, the functionality is reduced, the lung’s functional surface involved in the breathing process is reduced. Accordingly, when a person becomes ill with the coronavirus, the lungs may not cope with the disease. Note that in percentage terms, the elderly and full people were the first to suffer, they have too many stagnant faeces, the body is poisoned. Old people have very weak peristalsis, as they do not move much, in addition, the elderly in most cases have fungal lesions. Doctors need to know. Besides, and for this purpose it isn’t necessary to be the doctor, using elementary logic it is possible to come to the decision that it is necessary to prepare an organism to risk that you will become infected with coronavirus. And this is not vaccination, but you need to prepare for the infection possible consequences with the coronavirus and complications. Vaccination is the second in succession. But doctors all over the world didn’t talk about it for something! Why?
  In addition, Europeans have a brilliant Dutchman Wim Hof and his breathing technique, which could save hundreds’ thousands’ lives. Official medicine is deliberately silent about these therapeutic possibilities for humans. Why do you think official medicine kills people by hiding simple treatments?
   That those who remained to live pay more money for treatment!

  To pay pharmaceutical corporations, not individual specialists, such as acupuncturists!
  Agree that corruption conspiracy indirect signs are obvious.
  Personally, I, yes, this is my personal opinion, I believe that Western medicine is pharmaceutical giants and officials a criminal corruption conspiracy to force citizens to pay the money as much as possible they earn to pharma giants and the official medicine they create. This conspiracy purpose is to deprive the natural immunity’ citizen health and could exist only in the pharmaceutical environment that pharmaceutical giants sell to the citizen and the state.
  Moreover, in the coronavirus pandemic case, this has al- ready passed to the latest, upper level, the taxpayer’s money is paid by officials, they buy the vaccine for the taxpayer’s money. The citizen isn’t necessary any more, the citizen opinion isn’t interesting to anybody, doesn’t interest the citizen desire as and where to it to be treated, officials simply take the taxpayer money and give to pharmaceutical giants. And then deceptively force the citizen to go to be vaccinated, officials already spent money, means the citizen has to obey officials, otherwise them will dismiss. And if you don’t want to listen, then you will be robbed, fined, not allowed to enter the store and other public places.

  In my opinion, the Western (and now Russian) medicine main problem is that the healthcare system provides medical services, and not deals with the citizens’ healthcare. Western medicine focuses on service delivery and profit making. Unfortunately, the Russian authorities adopted the same model and destroyed humane Soviet medicine aimed at protecting the citizens health. In the Soviet healthcare system case, the pharmaceutical industry is focused on the cheapest medicines creation, and the medicines minimum use. It is these principles that stimulate the healing’ most environmentally friendly methods from ailments.

It was the citizen’s massive natural immunity destruction, systematic, consistent, carried out for decades that led to such a catastrophic result from the coronavirus.
  2. The International Institute WHO imitation for Global Health.
    So, by March 2022, the coronavirus pandemic unexpectedly ended in a small military conflict in Ukraine. This fact still needs to be studied, of course, suspicious things a lot in this regard. At least the pandemic ended on EURONEWS. Such a happy, unexpected end to the pandemic can now be postponed for discussion and careful consideration.
  I suggest we get back to the pandemic beginning. The Blah Blah Blah Union authorities somehow shamefully keep silent about this. The tanned guy with the homosexual badge, the WHO head, doesn’t tell to planet inhabitants. We’re talking about the WHO Director-General, two years ago, this guy was giving out his concerns on TV, and that’s all. It seems to me that this is complete professional incompetence evidence. If a person has been concerned for such a long time, then he needs to go to a psychiatrist for treatment, and a more stress-resistant and responsible person should be appointed in his place.
  Where did the coronavirus come from?
  What was that? A Chinese gastronomic pervert? Biological weapons “escaped” from a Chinese secret lab? American biological weapons, which went to China to a secret lab, and then “escaped”.
  So, what was that?
  Ghebreyesus is not responding. Gebreisus hasn’t talked about this in over two years! It was suspicious. If you don’t know, tell me why you don’t know, because you’re the WHO Director-General. The WHO Director-General must know that. After all this fact was, the Donald Trump first claims one to WHO. Trump was pushed out, and no politicians publicly around the world are interested in this problem until March 2022! There is no answer! And it is only now that it is clear that Donald Trump is the only world leader who has not participated in this global conspiracy, at least Donald Trump is the only one who has opposed this criminal world conspiracy.
 Now about WHO!

  Did someone give this organization a big name, the

World Health Organization?
 Last viewed the WHO website on 03.23.2022 did not find public data about the organization Charter. So I can’t determine what WHO should do. It follows that who does what it wants and will do what Hebreissus wants, as it is impossible to verify. No matter how many reports Ghebreyesus publishes.    And on the website, Ghebreyesus writes that transparency is a top priority. He lied!
  On his CEO page not very wordy, some optimistic euphemisms and recognition: Who must make every effort to address our time most important challenges, and who leaders must lead the process and build on their expertise in health, diplomacy and politics to give new impetus to the health challenges most acute in today’s world”.
  Tell me, am I the only one who can read? Who gave who Director-General authority over national diplomats and politicians? Maybe something was deliberately not told to the planet population about this organization.
  But in practice, it turned out that Ghebreyesus, expressing concern on TV, subdued all national authorities? And all sorts of. Blah Blah Blah politicians, and behind them all
others, began to deceive and rape their national population?
  Ghebreyesus, who is he? The world government Executive Director, or the international pharmaceutical mafia Executive Director, or something else?
  And I’m not kidding. The only thing that reassures me is that he definitely cannot be a hidden organization head that governs all the world states from one centre, clearly at the wrong level ....
  Compare the Wikipedia about Donald Trump and about Gebreisus, about Donald Trump everything is written in so much detail that immediately evokes respect and understanding that this politician has no secrets from voters. The only thing Donald Trump doesn’t say is how much Donald Trump farted on his birthday at three. Wikipedia Ghebreyesus is very stingy, I would like to know more about the man who commands all the world governments, and not by direct orders, but only by personal concern hints and expressions.

  Somebody explains! Why was Ghebreyesus’ concern the civil rights denunciation cause throughout the so-called civilized world?
  Finally, a small but very unpleasant detail. Above a tanned Ethiopian boy a photograph with a homosexual, Ghebreyesus badge, joyful Negroes a photograph, and the inscription “Together for a Healthy World” and signed by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
  I was very surprised by this picture, and many questions arose, and here are them some:

—     Does Ghebreyesus see only Negroes a world? Then who will think? Who will work then?

—     Maybe only Negro children should be healthy in this world?

—     Maybe Ghebreyesus is racist and doesn’t like other races?

—     Maybe when these Negroes grow up, they’ll make the whole WORLD healthy with Ghebreyesus.

  I wish there was a place in the world for other nationalities and races! At least for the Russians.

  In general, who, together with the Director-General, seemed to me a very suspicious organization.
  3.  The coronavirus pandemic, rehearsal for a global fascist regime establishment.
  And it is necessary to tell a fascist regime establishment training in Blah Blah Blah Union was successful, trusting citizens any didn’t notice it. Although citizens are not obliged to understand the officials’ machinations, for this there must be a capable opposition, at least in the Blah Blah Blah Union one country.

Europe Citizens!

  Do you have a functioning opposition in any country?
  I saw on Euro news that many citizens are demonstrating against pandemic restrictions, against compulsory vaccination, against a discriminatory passport (they called it a green passport, again a euphemism), against QR codes.
  So, not all sheep live in Europe, so normal people live in Europe with dignity and their own opinions. The problem is whether there is an opposition group in Europe that represents these esteemed citizens and that should represent this social group in the elections for the highest legislative body.
  4. The most terrible thing! There are no mechanisms and procedures for the democracy protection in the Blah Blah Blah Union, there are no mechanisms for punishing attacks perpetrators on individual freedom! “Democracy” Blah Blah Blah Union is actually a transitional regime be- fore global fascism.
   That is why I offer my discovery, my invention, to healthy democratic forces in Europe. I am ready to help, in an advisory capacity, anyone who wants to remove this flaw in the democracy institution, anyone who wants the dark Ones not to have the opportunity to denounce democratic achievements, anyone who tries to destroy democracy with lies and treachery will be punished and removed from the public political process for life.
  If we compare the democracy mechanisms with the clock mechanism, we need to understand that in the democracy mechanisms there is one important detail that would not allow the clock mechanism to spin backwards, in the clock this mechanism part is called the anchor fork, which provides progressive movement in only one direction. The clock always moves forward, and so must democracy. And this, I draw the distinguished Europeans’ attention, is not a euphemism, everyone can check my words correctness.
  Why is my project not possible in Russia?
  I am sure that such question will be the first one.
  There is no viable opposition in Russia!
  Therefore, there is no one to give my inventions, to give as a gift.
  Separately I will write later the work “The Russian op- position fiasco, Russia an existential deadlock!” In this pa- per, I will write in detail why I think so. The story about the Russian opposition fiasco is not for this topic.
  Besides, the Russian opposition as monkeys repeats everything behind the western democracy, so there is a hope that as the European opposition will master this tool, and the Russian opposition will begin to think that it is necessary to change the rhetoric before voters, and then very soon, so use dear Europeans my invention.
  Dear Europeans, you will think that all is not well with the democracy development in Russia, it is true, I think that the Russians will face the Jew’s fate, territory loss, Homeland loss. The existential impasse in which Russia finds itself leaves very little chance of preserving its geopolitical identity.
  But you, dear Europeans, have it even worse, this your legislator voter control lack problem has now reached the supranational level, you are relaxed, fed up, duped. Perhaps you will face your politicians lies even more dramatic consequences.

  6. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Praise the LORD!

      (Psalm 150:6)

      P. S.

      The next paper I will write for the European opposition will be titled “Western Democracy is the Russian CORRUPTION Mother! Europe has ignored the international convention against corruption for what is beneficial.”
    When the European opposition reads this work, it will become clear why Europe’s security has such risks right now. And the European opposition will finally be able to “bring Merkel to clean water”!
   And the second work will be called: “Lies about domestic violence”!
    It will be short, understandable even for overexcited people born with female sexual characteristics! I mean feminists, or even feminists. I keep getting con- fused about how to treat these bio-objects with female sexual characteristics but with the boorish male plebeians habits. And none of this applies to normal women at all.
    But all most, I would like European men to under- stand this problem.

1. Foreword by expert on corruption Sotnikov

  This work is merely an attempt to articulate an idea that crystallized after my third book, The Funny Duma.
  Three convocations (4, 5 and 6) I was engaged in expert activity in the State Duma, tried to understand why the legislator destroys the expert community’s formation and competence formation centers. I get it.
  The legislator does not intend to form a publicly avail- able competence for understanding the citizen, and even more, the legislative act’s true nature, their true purpose is cheated and hidden. Why, what reasons?
  There are collusion obvious signs against the power true bearer — the citizen — against us, against our State, against THE CONSTITUTION. Yes, it is against our State, because the authorities managed to create in the citizen a steady aware- ness that we, citizens, are one, and the State, on the contrary, is something completely different, hostile, criminal, which made us and our children slaves to officials and authorities not elected by citizens.
  So, conspiracy signs are evident, the criminal conspiracy presence smoothly follows from the conspiracy, and then the a possible crime presence follows. A normal multi- plication table logic.
  And suddenly, after so many years of observing the legislative process from within the State Duma, I realized ...
  Legislative activity can be a crime!
  And as soon as I understood this obvious truth, I immediately saw with other eyes the “diarrhea” that flows from the State Duma in the form of legislative acts, I immediately saw many examples similar to a crime. A few examples will be described later in this paper.
  For offensive legislators, when I wrote the word “diar- rhea”, I did not mean to swear, I meant that what comes from the State Duma, almost everything is so unformed as diarrhea, and there are so many things, and it does not so adorn the life of a citizen and the State, but quite the opposite makes
the citizens’ life more and more unbearable. But even in those cases when the decorated comes out, the substance nature does not change!
  At first, I wanted to describe the idea on my own, but there was a keen desire to invite an opponent to the project. Professional competence and, of course, age played a fundamental role.
  I chose a young lawyer, I hoped, will protect things in an established order. But contrary to my expectations, the lawyer did not defend the legislator. I chose a lawyer from the next generation, I hoped that the new generation doesn’t share the values of the PERESTROIKA generation, it turned out, and here I am mistaken. I chose a representative of an obviously atheistic young generation, but to my surprise, my (religious man) and the young atheist’s views turned out to be very similar, especially in positions about public security terms.
  And even I noticed that the lawyer Roshchin already in the preface accurately described propaganda manipulation (model) on leveling of criticism towards the so-called legislator.
  This model looks like this: “Learning to fly a jet on your own mistakes.” More precisely, for the errors of the legislator or for obvious criminal intent, a citizen pays with his life, his property, the future of his children and grandchildren, and, ultimately, the future of his descendants and the Motherland future! The so-called legislator doesn’t risk anything, and only appropriates to itself money of the citizen and carries out over the citizen and the State of Russia experiments as over laboratory rats. This behavior must be held accountable! Respond personally to anyone involved in this criminal process.
  But fortunately, we don’t agree with the lawyer Roshchin in many details, so hopes for objectivity of an idea statement remain steadily high.

2. Foreword by Advocate Roshchin

    We already got used to that behind any tragedy or behind the problem of the federal scale which has received publicity in mass media there follows news “Deputies adopted the law on toughening of responsibility for…”, “The president signed the law on a ban…”, “From such — that number in Russia it will be impossible…” and everything… an information occasion is extinguished, and the problem is sort of solved!
    Is it really a new strategy? What to do if a law (laws a pack- age) instead of solving the problem, adopted by a “furious printer”, aggravated the problem, violated the constitutional rights of citizens with its “side effects”, created a corruption scheme, destroyed the entire sector of the economy, or led to a tragedy, ruined someone’s life? What will happen in this situation?
   As you can guess, the new problem at best will be solved by the adoption of a new law. And that’s it, the information occasion is extinguished again, and the problem is sort of solved again…or aggravated!
   What do we get in the dry residue? Who should compensate for the damage caused by vicious legislative activities? Deputies of the State Duma who voted for him from the salary? The law-signing president?
   As the deputy of the State Duma Vitaly Milonov “if in sausage contains less than 50% of real meat, such product can’t be called sausage, and has to be called “imitation of sausage product” recently declared. And what to do if in the laws adopted by the State Duma to which Vitaly Valentinovich is possible and will be relevant, there will be less than 50% of common sense, whether it will be possible to call its activity “law-making activity imitation”?
   Let us turn to the statistics of the bills submitted to the State Duma for consideration and the bills adopted (approved) by it for 2016-2019. For the whole year 2016, 374 bills were submitted to the State Duma, of which 142 bills were adopt- ed (approved). In 2017, the indicators of laws introduced and adopted by the State Duma increased by more than 320% (!) (in 2018, 1,210 bills were submitted to the State Duma for consideration; 514 bills were adopted (approved)) and this trend continues until 2019 (see Table 1).

Table 1 – The Russian Federation State Duma legislative process

official statistics for 20162019.

    Thus, for the simple citizen to be aware of all activity of deputies which already some experts accurately called «the lawmaker», it is necessary to study on the average on 1,5 law a day. At the same time, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt from the obligation to comply with it. How is it possible to observe what an ordinary, normal citizen is not even able to study at will?
    Have Russians become better off with more than a three- fold increase in the efficiency of the State Duma? Dynamics, though not so fast, but certainly the reverse. At the same time, losses from amateur law-making activities can be postponed for years and even decades, if these losses are, for example, the negative dynamics of demographic processes.
    At the same time, if you study the one-page (for more initiators of bills usually not enough!) explanatory note to the bill’s majority adopted in Russia, then there is a stable impression that the most worrisome concern of the laws that have submitted for consideration is that «the law adoption will not require additional expenditures carried out at the federal budget expense.» And what additional expenses from the budget, and from ordinary citizen’s a pocket, will be required after adoption of this hastily made «legislative fast-food»?
    Haste is good for catching fleas, but not for establishing a set of rules governing the millions a country population social relation. So, what do we do with this array of laws? Maybe all at once to cancel and «to roll back» for some years? Many experts argue that a one-off repeal of all laws enacted since 2000 could give the Russian economy a boost, lifting it out of over-regulation its web.
    What if it is not a question of negligence or incompetence on the part of MPs because «we were taken as faithful and asked as clever», but their intent, for example, to create a corrupt scheme by passing a deliberately flawed law? The conclusion that somewhere here has to appear and criminal responsibility.
    I see my role in this work, kindly suggested by my friend and opponent Sotnikov A.Y., as an analysis of the current situation with legislative regulation in the Russian Federation, as well as considering the establishing liability issue, including criminal liability, for knowingly flawed law-making, which is harmful and/or has as the enrichment a corrupt source creation its main goal.

Principles used in the concept of criminal law

for legislative and other rule-making activities.

Lawyer Roshchin.

In analysing the legal aspect of imposing liability for flawed legislative activity, I would like to draw an analogy that would be very appropriate.
  I want to draw your attention to the responsibility for lower-level regulatory activities, which are in our law. Thus, the Civil Code singles out separately the State responsibility type for state bodies and their officials’ illegal actions, as well as for issuing acts that are not in accordance with the law or another legal act (the Russian Federation Civil Code Article 1069).
  What does it mean to not comply with the law? And what is meant by the inconsistency of acts with other acts is not quite clear, it looks like tautology? I’ll try to explain briefly.
  In addition to the laws, our lives are also governed by by-laws that regulate those areas of activity to which the laws have not reached or which are highly specialized in nature. These by-laws have their own hierarchy. The strongest by-laws are the President decrees and orders, which may temporarily replace the law and operate with it on an equal footing if the newly adopted law does not abolish them. This is followed by government decrees and orders which, in cases expressly specified by law, regulate activity in a certain area (this is usually done in highly mobile areas where constant change is required). After that, there are acts of various ministries and departments (Internal Affairs Ministry, Health Ministry, Finance Ministry, Rospotrebnadzor, etc.), which are usually called letters, orders, instructions, etc. The lowest by-laws are those of the executive authorities at the regional and municipal levels.
  Thus, the law provides for liability if such a public authority a by-law or a higher by-law its official violates the requirements or law. At the same time, harm must be caused. The fact that such by-laws of the authorities causing harm to citizens may comply with the law requirements, and, more correctly, not violate the law requirements or other higher normative act.
  As we can see, the criterion for the viciousness of regulations and the recoverability of losses caused by them is precisely the notorious law, which seems to legalise any damaging executive order.
  And what criteria should be used to assess the law? It is possible to check the law for compliance with the Constitution by applying to the Constitutional Court. However, all the Constitutional Court can do, if the law is found to be unconstitutional, is to repeal the law and review the specific case in which the law was applied.
  There is no compensation for flawed legislative activity for non-compliance with the law, even with the Constitution. Except that the need to comply with the procedure for adopt- ing a new law or repealing the old one.
  The concept we are proposing should therefore be based on some criteria and rules that can distinguish the law vicious- ness degree and thereby entitle the person who is that vicious- ness victim to receive compensation for the harm suffered and the state to restore social justice and deter similar acts in the future by responding to such wrongdoing.
  Here I want to refer to a famous ancient saying that “law is the goodness and justice’ art”. Since the law is the source of law, the criterion for its assessment should be intentions, as well as the consequences that follow its adoption. It is necessary to assess “kindness”, i.e., the desire to do good to other people, and “justice”, i.e., the desire to achieve compliance of the act and retribution for it, to minimize the decision negative consequences.
  In such circumstances, I believe that the basic principle of the concept should be the principle of preventing the adoption of a law, which, first, in the process of its implementation harms someone, and, secondly, and this is the main thing, does not meet the certain standard of norm-setting developed in the concept.

3. The proposed law conceptual principles

3.1. Religious and philosophical principles
  First, it is necessary to form a simple world view, accessible to the understanding of absolutely any citizen, his enlightenment regardless.
  I will use the obvious model from THE BIBLE, which throughout the history of mankind is used by power, any power.

     16.   And they sent to Him their disciples with the
            Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that You are
           true, and teach the way of God in truth; nor do You
          care about anyone, for You do not regard the person of men.
     17. Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to
           pay taxes to Caesar,
    18. But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said,
         “Why do you test Me, you hypocrites?
    19. Show Me the tax money.” So they brought Him a denarius.
    20. And He said to them, “Whose image and inscription
         is this?”
   21. They said to Him, “Caesaŕs.” And He said to them,
        “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are
        Caesaŕs, and to God the things that are God́s.”
                 (The Holy Gospel of Matthew 22:15-21)

“.... Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and
unto God the things that are God’s.”

   So, money (taxes) belongs to the authorities, and a believer under the pressure of religion must voluntarily recognize the rightness of the authorities to collect taxes from a person and dispose of these taxes at their own discretion (at the authorities will). That is, this millennial model has al- ready become an archetype, a habit (axiom) both for a person and for a government that has long passed into a genetic record that money belongs to the government. No, it’s not that. And officials have to realize that the power is not them, and the citizen as institute.
  The evolution of society has led to the emergence of new social models, democracy and socialism, and others, such as liberal fascism, which is trying to reverse this formula’ philosophical content! And which (liberal fascism) has already been built in Russia to replace the totalitarian communist system.
  But in archetypes, in his subconscious, the citizen as an institution still perceives himself as a slave, I emphasize that in the subconscious of the majority, the citizen has not yet realized that power is already him, the citizen.
  Archetypes transformation is a difficult evolutionary work, requiring the whole society mental strain. This work re- quires that almost every citizen understands what is going on around them to the best of their intellectual capacity, in order to make a moral assessment of the social process and, on the basis of that assessment, to manage the processes. Democracy cannot even exist technically if the demos are unable to under- stand what is happening in politics and the economy.
  If you don’t understand the process, how can you control it?
  Currently, political and economic processes do not understand even most politicians, let alone citizens. The main reason, the authorities artfully conceal the true nature of the processes, to this is added the uneducated, conformist, and lazy mind of the citizen, and of course the dire consequences of an animal already brought up in the citizen who wants to consume and only. The overwhelming majority of citizens perceive democracy as consumption a freedom (an emotion), let someone else do the rest. And this is the rest – this is just the most difficult thing, how to govern the state, so that the rights of all are respected.
  The main problem of a democratic society is that the citizen, the power institution, does not have conscious knowledge, and there are no capable institutions that create conscious knowledge in the citizen.
  The citizen conscious knowledge is this work purpose!
     3.2. The Constitution
     The evolution of society, of history, has led to the fact that we, the Russia citizens, are the power institution, the pow- er bearer.

     Article 2
A human being, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. The State is required to acknowledge, uphold and protect human and civil rights and freedoms.

   Article 3
1.       The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.
2.       The people shall exercise its power directly, as well as through State government bodies and local self- government bodies.
3.       The supreme direct expression of the power of the people shall be referendum and free elections.
4.       No one may misappropriate power in the Russian Federation. Seizure of power or usurpation of authority shall be punishable under Federal law.

    So, the taxes that the Russia citizens pay belong to the Russia citizens, and must be accepted and agreed by the citizens. And this is where the conceptual difference between the power of someone, a person or people a group, and the people’s own collective power has to be understood. That is, the citizen must recognise and agree with the laws, taxes, be aware of their necessity, and be willing to pay them, taxes, and recognise that the laws are enacted in the citizen’s interest.
    And citizens who work in power need to shove their ambitions up their ASSES and work in the interests of the citizen. Consequently, laws must satisfy at least a few obvious criteria:
—     whether the citizen in the same mind, as a source of power, could really adopt this specific law?
—     he law passed, whether or not the citizen under- stands the operation of the law, must be passed in the interest of the citizen as the source of power.
— ……..
— …….
    Otherwise, the law is not legal, not constitutional, or the citizen as an institution is a collective moron or a madman. I don’t see any other options, if you offer, I’d appreciate it.
    Consequently, a law adoption which is inconsistent with the power source interests falls within the Russian Federation Constitution Article 3(4) scope.
    And there must be accountability for this crime against state power.
  3.3. Management and legal principles of liability for legislative activities and other  regulatory activities. RFAOC
  What is the law?
  I am sure that power very few holders, i.e. citizens, understand this word meaning for them personally and for the state. Where do they (laws) come from, how do they work, or, on the contrary, do they not work? And in general, who needs laws, and, most importantly, for what? What are the mechanisms for enacting laws?
  I described some of the managerial aspects of the legislator’s activities in my book THE FUNNY DUMA.
  I will try to describe as simply as possible, for ordinary citizens, what this beast such — the LAW.
  First, it is necessary to understand that the law is not an icon to look at reverently. The law is a management tool through which management processes are primarily created and managed. Very often the laws are written by complete profanities under the intruders’ leadership. Each management process always has goals and objectives. The goals that the authorities declare, and the true goals, that is, those goals about which the citizen will never know. Very often, neither the citizen nor the legislators majority learn about these true goals.
  Why are the law true purposes, most legislators unaware? This is a very big topic, which unfortunately I have not been able to fully describe in my book “Funny DUMA”, I will try to describe this topic in more detail in the second edition.
  But any law can be translated into Russian and visualized in terms of management tools FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT.
  And then it is possible to tell precisely for what purpose the law is accepted, in whose interests, who beneficiaries are. That is, it is possible to describe this law management model and social paradigm, and then it is already possible to assess the law itself and assess the legislator competence and responsibility degree.
 In order for my theoretical statements to have realistic content, I will analyse some real examples that concern the majority of Russian citizens.
  This is my personal view, it is the view of someone who has spent three convocations of the State Duma as an expert in the Duma, and my vision as an expert on corruption.

4. The legislator crimes examples against the power bearer


    4.1. Property tax
    Why did I start with property tax?
    This frankly reactionary and illegal law is a crime in my understanding against the State, in the context of constitutional legal relations, is a crime against an indefinite circle of per- sons, and, finally, is a crime against the institution of property, which has the inevitable consequences of the destruction of the state as a geopolitical unit.
    The same applies to the land tax.
    Consider corporate property tax as it has a financial nature cascading mathematical consequences, unlawful robbery and concerns Russia every citizen and personal property tax is the citizen robbery and bondage next stage.
    First and most importantly, this tax is implemented by applying laws a whole cascade, which totality cannot be traced by any person who does not have special knowledge, moreover, most specialists are also not able to describe the tax managerial meaning. I emphasize, it is the tax managerial meaning.
   In fact, if you break free from the government’s verbal monograms captivity, the tax nature is very simple. It is important to understand, and most importantly, that a property tax is a local tax.
    The main meaning and the authorities need to levy a local tax is the conflict between federal and local taxes. Due to the fact that the federal government takes almost everything that the territories earn, but the government still understands that the territories must survive, have money that can be spent on the territory itself, the local tax was invented. And most importantly, the need for this tax also lies in the political plane. The political meaning is very complicated, I will try to state it in an accessible way.
    The semantic concept of (political) property tax
    “Center” takes almost all taxes that the territories earn, this is the budget formation main principle. But this gives rise to the federal government political and economic responsibility for the territories development and for the citizen’s living standard in the territories.
    How can this political responsibility be avoided? And this is the local tax main task. After all, to do this, the federal government must understand the economic and social problems of the territories, quickly and efficiently return money to the territories, and administer these financial flows. Technically, it is difficult, for this you need to have high competence, and most importantly an ideological position within the Russian Constitution framework. This has never happened, and under this government it definitely will not be.
    So how can money be “squeezed”, but nothing can be done for this, money cannot be returned, and not bear any responsibility? A simple dilemma facing any fraudster, a gov- ernment. As you understand, we are talking about the country development and do not face the authorities at all.


   “Center” comes up with a local tax that allows you to once again rob businesses and citizens, and at the same time not to return money from taxes on the territory, unless the local authorities come with an outstretched hand to the federal government, as the STATE DUMA once joked, “from the back- yard”, to which Siluanov was very offended.
    What is the property tax nature?
    You (meaning a citizen or a business) earn money, pay taxes. Then the money, after taxation, becomes your property.
   It seems to me that it is easy for even the most stupid politician and official to realize this.
    Your money, your property, you use that money to buy property, any property. For reference, until 2019, any property worth more than 40 thousand rubles was subject to taxation for legal entities.
     What does this exactly mean? This means that this tax, the tax for the fact that you have acquired property, and now you will always pay for what you have already paid taxes for. That is, this is double taxation.
     And what is especially scary is taxation, which is an expense in the creation of the final product by business, that is, a hidden tax on individuals, us citizens.
     And the political meaning of this tax is generally “genius”, in the most disgusting, antisocial, immoral form: This is a proposal by the federal government of the local government to rob citizens as it wants, and the CENTER will legalize this robbery. A classic multi-pass cheating move.
    From political and managerial meanings of the power we pass to procedure of occurrence of a tax, it in general is very fascinating detective.
   To do this, it is useful to know the starting point of this tax. Long before this law was enacted, the authorities had be- gun ideological zombification and indoctrination of citizens. To do this, you can watch an interview, “Posner. Guest Mikhail Mishustin. 11.22.2010.”, in my opinion, in this interview absolutely objectively covered problems and today. I haven’t heard a word of the truth from Mishustin. In the next edition, I will write comments on the words of Mishustin.
    12:50, Mishustin began to hint, this is the very moment from which you need to put your ears wider.
    18:27, “steadily behaved property taxes …”, I’m sure that the absolute majority did not understand what Mishustin was talking about.
     I translate into Russian what Mishustin has just said: “We have incompetent and thieving jerks in the government and the state loses tax revenues during the crisis because of their incompetence and inability to manage the economy and develop the economy! Therefore, in order not to dismiss the government, we will transfer the financial, crisis risks of the state (budget) to business and the population …… Because when the budget suffers, we have nothing to steal. That’s how smart we are, and these jerks (the population and business) will never understand it. HAHAHAHA.”
   And here and not HAHAHA, everything is visible, and surely we will tell …….
   This mechanism will be discussed in more detail in the next edition.
   33:05 Well, here Mishustin completely revealed the ani- mal face of the government. Translation into Russian: “You will pay us for what you buy and for what you own, HAHA- HA. “
   In 2010, no one could yet understand these reactionary intentions towards the citizen, but by 2019, everyone had al- ready experienced it, but no one understood it. One can only regret the uneducated ness of the citizen and opposition politicians. Sometimes the Russian society reminds me of an earth- worm who notices an obstacle when he bumps his nose. And only then begins to make attempts to bypass the obstacle, and of course in an empirical way.
   33:12 Note: “……market value……”, this is a very important phrase to then bring the legislator to “clean water”


   Subsequently, it will be obvious that the tax does not count with the market value, but with a much higher value, this voluminous material will be set out in the second edition.
   The citizen, as the only source of power, must clearly understand that it is he who fucked himself in the ass. And of course, ask yourself the question: “Would I impose such a tax on myself?”
    Stop the frame on this phrase, look at the face, at the pose ...... They see me personally as aggressive and threatening me personally and defenseless citizens around me. Posner is handsome, I take off my hat, brought out the intentions of Mishustin the taxidermy.
    39:17. ! Unbelievable lies! “It’s very important that people don’t worry …….”.
    I have nothing but a mat to answer this treacherous lie! Why do you think “it matters”?
    I’ll explain, “It’s very important that people don’t worry
... “ to make it easier to fuck! This whole interview is fucked up, treacherous, mean fucked up!
    Mishustin is a thimble? Maybe yes, maybe no.
    Mishustin described the mechanism of this tax, and this is the most fascinating fraudulent-corruption action. Next, I will describe how this tax creates a high-tech corruption niche.
   In general, you understand, Mishustin in 2010 held the announcement of the future robbery tax in the best traditions of the “good storyteller”.
   No more emotions! I hope it works.
  How does a corruption niche created by property tax work?
  Let’s return to the description of the process that Mishus- tin voiced! I will describe the obvious corruption risks step by step.
  The first stage of obtaining corruption income 
  Cadastral appraisal
  At the first stage, “own from local authorities” for a bribe receive a contract for carrying out cadastral assessment. Everyone knows that the state order for 146% is a corruption conspiracy.

   Corruption arrangements look something like this: the local authorities set a very simple task for those who get it in a row, they need to rob businesses and residents as much as possible so that the local authorities get the maximum amount of money for plunder.
   For money of the taxpayer, the power receives a bribe from those who carries out cadastral estimation, and the initial document according to which then this taxpayer will rob.
    Obtaining corruption income the Second stage
   The local legislative assembly from deputies who elect- ed illegally, or rather them didn’t choose is going, and appoint- ed by party of the power, party of swindlers and thieves, and meeting of illegally appointed deputies legitimize cadastral estimation. After that, the cadastral price of the property be- comes a tax base from which citizens can be robbed under the tax code.
   What corruption risks are realized at the same time, you can see without a doubt. During the meeting of this so-called legislative assembly, the fate of any business is decided, that is, this meeting assigns a profit tax to the business, which has not yet been earned and may not be earned at all.
   That is, this stage creates a corrupt value for each vote. Do you think the business will pay bribes so that it is not ruined by the tax code?
   And he has nowhere to go, of course, he will pay, or he will go bankrupt and die. And the statistics of enterprise bankruptcies on the initiative of the Federal Tax Service by 2019 fully confirms my point of view.
   The third stage of obtaining corrupt income
   How to get rid of robbery for a bribe of those who want and “their own”.
   Those who are dissatisfied with the assigned tax are sent to the court with three letters, right.
   But there is a mandatory procedure of pre-trial settle- ment for legal entities, another corruption trap. It is necessary first to challenge a tax in a certain commission, which consists of the same swindlers who ordered a new cadastral value. The result is clear, “you will pay a bribe, maybe, we will reduce a tax a little”. That’s the paradigm.
   At the same time, for “theirs” it is possible to reduce this tax legally without any legal risks for those involved in corrupt collusion.
   Such a mechanism for the implementation of this tax created obvious criminal and corruption risks:
   The local administration, the local judge, the local prosecutor, the local police officer, and local …, it is a question of the main, actually receive the legalized criminal technology, and actually the offer to create an organized criminal group on self-governing management of the territory. Do you think this is happening now, in 2019?
   Moreover, by 2019, there was a gray legal market to re- duce the cadastral value, which also confirms my vision of the corruption capacity of this law.
   Anyway, pay a bribe or go three letters further.
   Understanding how Russian courts work, it can be argued with a probability of 146% that the probability of achieving compliance with their rights, getting rid of robbery, is almost equal to zero, and that property tax is a criminal technology for robbery and “squeezing” business and forcing to pay bribes repeatedly in the course of the implementation of this law.
   In the second edition about this tax will be written in more detail. It is a conscious position not to be distracted from the main thing, the understanding that a legislative person can be a crime against an indefinite circle of persons, against a constitutional bearer of power, a citizen, as an institution.
   That is, at least two elements of the crime have already been drawn.
4.2. Land tax
  The technology of this law is about the same as the property tax, but there are additional political and criminal meanings in this tax.
   Land tax for legal entities
  The technology for the formation of a land tax for legal entities is the same as the technology for the property tax for legal entities.
  But this tax is much more aggressively administered and is the most extremist in relation to the power bearer, the citizen.
  I will give just one practical example – a land tax on one legal entity.
  From 2006 to 2019, the land tax increased from 240,000 to 1,290,000 roubles per year. In order to pay this tax, you need to add more VAT, totalling 1,290,000 roubles plus VAT, resulting in 1,522,200 roubles.
  Where do you think the business will get this money from?
  This legal entity is one of the elements in the supply chain of goods to retail chains, which means that this money was pulled from our pockets, and at the same time the legal entity has not yet received a profit.

  Land tax for individuals
  I will begin with the political meaning of this tax.
  In the vast expanse of Russia, a land tax for individuals is an obvious genocide.
  The land tax on individuals is clearly corrupt, namely, the destruction of private farms so that they do not compete in the food market with MIRATORG and other corrupt structures so that they do not compete in large trading networks.
  It can already be clearly stated that the legislator is a common corruption tool for destroying the constitutional foundations of the State.

  So, property taxes
  The main meaning of property taxes is that the authorities have a permanent tool of robbery of the population and business. To make the institution of property conditional, so that a citizen thinks that he has property, but in fact there is no property, it is only a virtual model in a citizen head. Property taxes effectively abolish the institution of property. You will never be able to own the property you have bought yourself. Some official or a criminally appointed deputy will actually dispose of and manage your property, you will never be able to inherit your property from your children, it will be taken away by operational methods.
  A state in which the institution of property of a citizen is not protected, has no future, it is a slave-owning society. If you can’t make money, then why work? The only reason a citizen survives is to survive and earn wealth for the owners of power. Not a very convincing reason for human existence, especially when you’re looking at Navalny’s investigations into the property of officials.
  Temporarily suspending the study until the second edition, although it is very difficult to stop.
4.3. Urban Planning CODE of Moscow
   The most corrupt law of Moscow.

    I’m going to ask you a funny question: Have you ever

read this law?

  I am sure that no one has read this law, except those who wrote this corruption law, and those who implement this law.

  For reference, the Urban Planning CODE of Moscow was adopted BY THE LUZHKOVSKY DUMA.

  If we briefly describe the content of this law within the framework of contextual identification, it is obvious that all public hearings are falsified according to the same model as at elections, there is no liability for falsifications at public hearings. In other words, the law itself (the Urban Planning Code of Moscow) is a falsification, Muscovites do not have any control and management over the urban planning activities of the Moscow government.
  You can find out more about public hearing fraud in my work “Nasty from Good-Mnevniki”. This is a work on how Rakova held public hearings on the construction of the Parliamentary Center.
  The main meaning of this imitation of the law is that the construction sector of Moscow is controlled only by the mayor and his orders, that is, an administrative resource. Despite the fact that Moscow’s
construction sector is the largest in terms of money in Russia, this is why this law is the most corruptive.
  To be even shorter, the mayor can sell our Moscow to anyone on any terms without control of Muscovites and the Moscow City Duma.
4.4. Resolution of the Government legalizing physiological torture of citizens (housing and communal services, violent methods that prevent the dispatch of natural physiological needs, simply interfere with shitting)
    You can be very brief about that. Medvedev signed the resolution of the government in which allowed to shut up debtors on housing and communal services of a shake that debtors couldn’t shit in the apartment. That is Medvedev legalized physiological and moral tortures of citizens out of law to extort from citizens and to rob citizens.
    There are several obvious sides to this solution:
—     Medvedev was a lawyer by training, so he had to understand the consequences of creating an instrument for torture with the aim of extorting money. At the same time, the central media argued that if Medvedev used physiological torture against you, it does not violate your rights. NTVoshki even made such an optimistic film about how it works.
—     Medvedev on education the lawyer so had to guess at least about lawful ways of the solution of property claims: the claim, court, bailiffs. But Medvedev chose to rob citizens with the hands of marginalized citizens from housing and communal services, the very citizens of Russia, whom he and his government plunged into poverty and disenfranchisement.
    In my opinion, the obvious criminal composition, and, with a clear Nuremberg taste, so did the fascists.
    This is very similar to the Hitler euphemism, “the SO- LUTION OF THE JEWISH QUESTION.” It is unclear if we do not know what the fascists meant by the “SOLUTION OF THE JEWISH QUESTION” by the extermination of the Jews.
    And in this matter, I believe it is necessary to learn from the Jews, the Jews managed to consider the Holocaust a criminal offence, the Jews managed to consider the justification of the Holocaust a criminal offence, the Jews looked for and found almost all the criminals who did not have time to die and punish them. Well done.
    What’s wrong with us Russians?
4.5.  Renovation — a law abolishing the rights to citizens property as individuals, and regulations issued in connection with this law adoption

The decision to agree to the inclusion of a flat building in the draft program for the renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow must be made by a majority of at least 2/3 of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of premises in such a flat building. (the paragraph was introduced by the Decree of

the Government of Moscow dated 11.05.2017 No. 260-PP)

Resolution of the Government of Moscow dated

02.05.2017 N 245-PP (rev. dated 14.06.2017) “On taking into account the opinion of the population on the housing renovation project in Moscow” (together with “Voting procedure for the subsequent inclusion of apartment buildings in the draft housing renovation program in Moscow”)


    So, if you don’t understand, the by-law issued by Sobyanin completely violates your property rights.
   To dispose of your property, the Moscow authorities need as usual to falsify the results of some vote, and here the Moscow authorities have no equal, both at elections and at public hearings.
   Sobyanin outlawed some dudes to dispose of your flat.

    Renovation is a criminal offence against
    the institution of private property.

    Private property is unconditional
    The right of ownership certainly, the citizen shouldn’t explain to anybody how he will dispose of the property, and especially nobody dares to vote how to dispose of your property. No details matter. Officials fraudulently take you to the point of discussing in what posture they will have all of us.
    I am sure that most citizens do not want to have them at all, so there is simply no point in discussing them in any posture.

    (Resolution of the Government of Moscow of May 2, 2017 No. 245-PP “On taking into account the opinion of the population on the project of renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow”) to vote for renovation on the principle of SILENCE – A SIGN OF CONSENT.
    An egregious criminal (I cannot call it his legal) act that abolishes the fraudulent manipulation of the constitutional right of ownership.
    No.245 – I personally consider the PE as an attempt to commit a crime.
    How does this work?
    Citizen No. 245-PPis presented as the only way to make a decision on how to dispose of his property! Moreover, forced eviction will certainly occur with reference to No. 245-PP, and the citizen will have no time to contest this act, his house will be demolished.
    The main point of No.245-PP is that this fraudulent letter effectively transfers the constitutional right to dispose of one’s own real estate to third parties.
    This is a common fraudulent practice of Sobyanin power.

    Humanitarian Crime against Moscow. So called delayed consequences!
    Has anyone wondered where the Liksutovs come from?!
    For this purpose, a self-governing mayor devoid of elementary knowledge about the formation of the urban environment, and a mayor devoid of conscience and respect for daily life and the needs of Muscovites, and respect for the law is enough!
    On a place of five-storeys will put high-rise buildings, and people there will live in 3–4 times more. The same utilities will be loaded several times more. There will be several times more cars. Then you’ll have to hire a whole army of Liksutovs to rob Muscovites for the fact that they still own a car.
    Sobyanin has already created an unprecedented degree of violence and robbery of Muscovites in the history of Moscow. The robbery’s gonna get bigger.
    Moreover, Sobyanin created a total practice of violating the laws and fundamental rights of citizens with the help of by-laws, in the conditions of complete absence of the work of the supervisory authority, he actually created his virtual legal space for himself and us, the Muscovites. Whatever he wants, he does, ignoring the rights of citizens, laws. There is a special department that receives salaries from our taxes to write these fraudulent by-laws.

5. Thus, legislative rule making may be a crime! How to punish?

  How to punish them, legislators, for trampled rights of compatriots, for the destroyed destinies, for the destroyed families, for the stolen lives? Stolen lives are literally. The bacchanalia of looting and violence against a citizen has lasted for at least the past 20 years.
  I propose a technology for shaping the responsibility of criminal lawmakers and officials who spew hundreds of criminal “writings” on the heads of citizens like diarrhoea on a daily basis, as in the Administrative Violations Code.
  Intentionally I didn’t begin to consider the Code of Administrative Offences as an example of a crime against the citizen and the state, it would be necessary to shovel a very large volume. But the model of emergence of guilt and the model of punishment seemed to me quite worthy for criminals of
legislators and swindlers of officials.

12. God is a just judge, And God is angry with the wicked every day.
13. If he does not turn back, He will sharpen His sword;
     He bends His bow and makes it ready.
14. He also prepares for Himself instruments of death;
     He makes His arrows into fiery shafts.
15. Behold, the wicked brings forth iniquity;
     Yes, he conceives trouble and brings forth falsehood.
16. He made a pit and dug it out,
     And has fallen into the ditch which he made.
17. His trouble shall return upon his own head,
     And his violent dealing shall come down on his own crown.
18. I will praise the LORD according to His righteous- ness,
     And will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

(Psalm 7:11-18)

  When these so-called lawmakers, whom we supposedly elected, were composing the Code of Administrative Offences, the guilt ignoring the degree technique by motive and circum- stance was applied, only the event fact is taken into account. And technology of formation of punishment, it in general a masterpiece of conciseness and indifference to destinies of people who are punished, indifference to victims, and the adjusted mechanism of robbery, I don’t speak about managerial consequences of such “regulation”.
  A total of 450 strange dudes, and how much evil and suffering did they bring 146,780,720 citizens of Russia?
  The sense declared, which was laid down in the Code of Administrative Offences by the legislator, is the education of a citizen, so that he, a citizen, did something bad there no longer. In fact, the ideological principle of the Administrative Code is quite different, sinister, cowardly, criminal. But about it in the second edition.
  Thus, the Administrative Code declares:
  Got it, get it.
  Very well, the same principle must be applied to the legislator himself.
  What is the model of responsibility under the Code of Administrative Offences? The conversation with the guilty be- gins very simply, the offence is recorded by the law enforcement officer whom for court “there are no reasons not to trust”.
  Usually it is the militiaman, writes that wants, the judge doesn’t check it. Why? Because at judges, as a rule, there are no reasons not to trust cops, and in general any law enforcement officer. And the overwhelming number of citizens are aware of such peremptory behaviour of judges. That is, Russian courts punish citizens “according to concepts”.
 Then let’s ask why?
  And here everything is clear. The judge has a simple choice, if you have money, finds a large amount, if you do not have money, sit in prison for about 15 days or more, or in slavery for forced labour.
  For the criminal, the legislator quite suitable model of punishment. Here, only terms and sums have to correspond to depth of guilt of the legislator.
  This is a complex topic, requires a detailed, many factorial considerations of all circumstances.
  In addition, of the many factors that must be taken into account, it is precisely following the stages of the formation (preparation) of a crime (writing a legal act) and then the com- mission of a crime (execution of a legal act), until the last sig- nature in the law, until the last signature in the regulations of by-laws, until the analysis of the actions of all law enforcement agents of this law. All these dudes, from the legislator to the law enforcement, are called an organized group. The analysis of the managerial component, the translation into Russian of the creation and application of a legal act, up to the creation and use of internal regulations of the law enforcement officer, is a very fascinating detective.
  But this is already in the second edition.

17. The face of the LORD is against those who do evil,
     To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

(Psalm 33:17)




Second edition

The idea Author of A.Yu. Sotnikov Expert on corruption

Co-author D.N. Roshchin Attorney

Editor L. Nerovny Psychologist-researcher

The idea and project author

Andrey Yurievich Sotnikov

  Chief Editor (the project author) of the human rights portal Federal Book of Complaints (
  Adviser to the IV convocation State Duma deputy Ovsyannikov Vladimir Anatolyevich (Defence committee) on the executive branch legal blackmail in the small and medium-sized businesses field.
  Candidate for deputies in the 15th single - mandate constituency in the elections to Moscow City Duma in 2005.
  Member of the Expert Council of the Commission on the Russian Federation Federal Assembly State Duma (fifth Convocation) Anti-Corruption Legislative Support 2008-2011.
  Assistant to the State Duma Deputy (fifth convocation) The Russian
Federation Federal Assembly 2008-2011 Vladimir Pavlovich Taskaev.
  Assistant to the Russian Federation Federal Assembly State Duma (sixth convocation) Deputy 2012-2016 Vitaly Sergeyevich Zolochevsky.

Books author

1.      Stolen power. Legal blackmail as a method of forming a bribe market. 2008.
2.      There will be no more direct investments in Russia. Noginsky
syndrome! 2010.
3.      Funny Duma (technical illegitimacy of the State Duma) 2012.

Articles author:

1.      Legal nihilism 28.02.2011. sotnikov/pravovoy-nigilizm/
2.      2011. Russia is a new evolutionary embodiment of the slave– owning system. The final stage of modernization of the slave system is over. Corruption as a state policy. 26.03.2011 (http:// evolyutsionnoe-voploshchenie-rabovladelcheskogo-stroya- zavershayushchiy-etap-/)
3.      CHUROVSTVO 2011 29.03.2012 (
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